Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Fall Everyone!!

We're so excited fall is finally here! It's our favorite time of the year! We love it's a sweater and jeans type of day with a cool breeze and leaves are turning orange. It's now the 1st of October, there's frost outside on the roof tops, and we turned on our heater for the first time because of 35 degree morning weather. There's a spooky Halloween feeling when cob webs float through the air and brush right by you, sometimes sticking to you or the car. Halloween decorations fill the front yards and Mya gets a little spooked, especially when she sees a motion sensor Witch at Target.

"I'm so CUTE it's SCARY"

1 comment:

  1. Love Mya's Halloween outfit. So cute! She's getting so big. Can't wait to see you all next month! Maybe we can do some shopping in San Francisco like we did a couple years ago when you came for Thanksgiving =)


Thanks for stopping by!