Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Princess for Mya

It's Saturday night and the fall leaves are blowing
Inside the mood is bright and something is glowing
Could it be the Scentsy candle dancing in the air
or could it be the smile that Mya likes to share

If you imagine just a little it might be the two
I think I'll add a few more to the Stone family crew
A Daddy, a Mommy, and a Princess to be
Carved with such love and so perfectly

Ghouls, creeps, and scoundrels are lurking outside
While smooth family connections compose and crystallize
Light a candle in the ball, as Mya would tell
Family production complete, a shining Tinker Bell


  1. Cute pumpkin!Great job. I would suggest keeping it somewhere safe. Our first Halloween in Black Hawk Derek made Rylie an Elmo pumpkin and someone came and kicked it in. Who kicks Elmo? =) I hope you all have a great Halloween!

  2. LOVE the new pictures! What a great pumpkin. I see in the background of one that you have a Snuggie! How do you like it? I've been wanting to get one.
    We're not carving pumpkins this year because Brad is working :( Are you taking Mya out for her first trick-or-treating?


Thanks for stopping by!