Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our New Puppy

Today, Ryan brought home the cutest little 6 week old puppy for our family, a little Chi weenie. It's a cross between the Chihuahua and the Dachshund. The poor little puppy is still nameless but Mya calls her dog-dog. So, far our little family is having a hard time adjusting to the puppy. Mya is a little too loving and carries the poor puppy everywhere and Miss Kitty does NOT like her at all. We are going to keep her for a few weeks and hopefully everyone will adjust, so we can keep her! Otherwise we found her a good home with our neighbors across the street. So far, I think she’s the cutest little puppy!!


  1. Ohmigosh! Where did you find this adorable puppy?!?! I hope it all works out. Puppies are A LOT of work, it'll be just like having a baby all over again =) "Dog-dog" will eventually calm down I'm sure. What a lucky doggy to have such a wonderful family to join!

  2. She's adorable! I hope that all is going well with the transition! I agree with Jess...We think that she belongs to the best family ever! Sending lots of happy puppy training thoughts your way! XOXOXO


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