Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Date Night!!

Tonight Ryan and I went out on a very special date! We haven't been out "just the two of us" in a VERY long time. My Mom and Dad bought me tickets to see Rascal Flatts and Jessica Simpson for my birthday. For everyone that knows me, Jessica Simpson is my favorite!! What a wonderful concert. I am sooo happy we went! Thank you Mom and Dad for the tickets and for watching Mya! XOXOXOX

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mya's 10 Months Old Today!!

Wow!! We can't can't believe Mya is 10 months old today. Only a few more months to go and she will be celebrating her 1st birthday. Here are few new pictures of her. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We ♥ Baby Brooklyn!!

We were so excited to see Baby Brooklyn this weekend for my birthday. What a cutie she is!! We can't wait till April to see Carson and Alyssa!! XOXOXOXO

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Surprise Birthday Weekend!!

My sister in law, Meredith flew in from Washington with my beautiful niece, Brooklyn to surprise me for my 30th birthday. Ryan and her had the surprise planned for weeks and when I arrived at the Cheesecake Factory Friday night there she was... It was the best surprise ever!! The weekend definitely went too fast. But of course we did some shopping, went out to PF Changs for Valentine's Day with Ryan and spent some sisterly time together. What a wonderful birthday weekend. Thanks Mere!! Love ya sis!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Sweetest Picture

I came across the sweetest picture of Mya and Ryan from the hospital. I never seen it before because it was taken on my mom's cell phone so I thought I would share it with all of you. The picture made me smile and showed me how much Ryan loves our little girl...
He is such a great daddy!!